Poinciana flowers

In Vietnam, the poinciana flower  is a symbol of the student’s age, because its blooming season coincides with the end of the school year, the farewell season of many generations of students.

Zwolle uitzicht

Komende herfst hebben we een expositie overcZwolle in wijkcentrum de Wijnberg (Berkel, Campherbeeklaan 82 Zwolle, dus verfde ik deze schilderij en ga ik het naar de expositie brengen.


One of my friends has asked me to paint a kind of flower. I was usually not successful with flower, but I would like to try.

Here’s the result.

Het Doepark Nooterhof

DoeparkYesterday was a fantastic day. I went to picnic with my lovely friends in a big park in our city. We ate nice food, talked nice story and painted.

At the beginning we sat in the middle of the park, but we had to move several times because of the rain. Ran in the rain, laughed a lot….It brought me back to my childhood.

Thanks a lot my lovely friends!


Winter is over

Winter is gone! I am happy that it has more light, more sunshine and more flowers along the streets.

The left over of the winter is here, on this painting :).

Acrylic owintern paper, 15×21 cm


New Painting: Acrylic and bbq stick.

I was inspired by a painting on Facebook10177286_10153269046526627_5066026186134456319_n.


Acrylic on paper, 15×21 cm


10437453_10153223265586627_6614814621869751767_nI have watched this example on Youtube in one evening. It was so awesome. I could not wait longer, I immediately took a  piece of paper, brushes and spent…two evenings on this.

Other paintings

I have promised to myself that I would paint or draw every single day.

Here are my works   12715629_10153223265856627_5472958327028051453_n 12729342_10153211672791627_7002831560339660883_n 12742826_10153211672601627_5883625332016988829_n

My very first painting















I loved painting when I was little, unluckily at that moment most of Vietnamese people thought that artist was not a poor job. No-one in my family encouraged me to do it. I stopped painting sinds I was eight or nine, I can not remember exactly.

Since I have been living here, I knew many western  people (Dutch, Russian, Romanian….) paint very well. I admire them. I had never thought that I could paint or draw. I even did not ask any of them giving me a guide, although my farther in-law, my friends are artist. Painting was not my concern.

One day of January, one of my classmate took her new painting to class. It was beautiful. I asked her to teach me. And she said yes!  A few days after I came to her house and she gave me a first lesson.

If she had refused me, I had never gone back to painting. I recognize that the love for painting is never disappear in my heart. Thank you very much Julia for waking up my hobby.